Silvia María Severino


Silvia María Severino, from Argentina, graduated from ISP Joaquín V. González as a teacher of English and holds a Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa degree from UTN (2011). In 2014 she finished her Especialización Superior en TIC (Escuela de Maestros) She has just earned a double master’s degree in TEFL from Universidad Europea del Atlántico (Spain) and Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI, Puerto Rico). She was a speaker at the V Jornada “Buenos Aires y sus Idiomas” organized by Gerencia Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras-Dirección General de Planeamiento Educativo del Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires in May 2016. She is currently working as a private tutor for post-colonial literature dissertations.


Blended learning in the English secondary school classroom: an Argentinian experience

English and technology have become a must in 21st century education. In Argentina, both have been included in the curricula since preschool. In the case of the former, the purpose is that learners can be exposed to comprehensible input during their whole schooling in order to acquire and develop the four language skills. However, in state schools, these activities are on the whole a utopian goal and the main concern throughout this action research paper, given that the current context seriously affects the pedagogical classroom conditions. Therefore, blended learning appears to be an attractive and practical solution to current challenges.